• Move From Parenting Like This

  • ✘ Confusion as to WHY you are not being the loving parent you hoped to be


    ✘ Swinging on an emotional pendulum


    ✘ Laying awake at night, anxious, remembering all those lost moments with your children


    ✘ Angry outbursts that leave you riddled with guilt


    ✘ Stuck in chaos and struggle


    ✘ Tired, frustrated and impatient


    ✘ Resenting the parenting role


    ✘ Survival mode with no way out


    ✘ Escaping your children through work, busyness, shopping, etc


    ✘ Overcompensating through pleasing your kids; never saying No!


    ✘ Overwhelming responsibility and a sense of helplessness.

  • To Parenting Like This

  • ✔ Clarity and empowered with a path forward


    ✔ Present and purposeful parenting, moment to moment


    ✔ Loving, centred and grounded


    ✔ Freedom to play and relax


    ✔ Parenting as a divine service to guide and mentor the soul in front of you 


    ✔ Equipped with tools, knowledge and education


    ✔ An inspired role model of authenticity, self-esteem and emotional well- being


    ✔ Ability to regulate your inner and emotional world 


    ✔ Safe and secure within yourself to hold space and help your child regulate 


    ✔ Accept your child for who they are and not what you want them to be


    ✔ Heal trauma and break toxic family cycles.  



Frustration → Clarity


Stuck → Freedom


Reaction → Choice


Frustration → Clarity


Stuck → Freedom


Reaction → Choice

In your 8-week program, you will learn the 3 key pillars to parenting.  These will be your embodied anchors to get you from where you are now, to where you want to be in your parenting.  You don’t need to think, you don’t need to know, you just need to trust the process and show up. It’s that easy.  


Behaviour is never random.  There’s a reason you and your children are relating and behaving the way you are.  As soon as YOU change, your kids will too! I show you exactly how to do that in this program.  


My facilitation is upfront, honest, and cheeky.  The truth is what sets us free, and it is never as painful as what we think it will be. I value radical truth telling within an environment of safety and vulnerability for true growth to happen.  

BreakFree Parenting Is A Way Of Life

BreakFree Parenting Is A Way Of Life

This is not a program with tips and tricks to ‘overcome’ parenting.  No more Trying, Stressing, Things to Remember, Tools to Practice, Methods to Preach. This work is different, because it’s Simple, and you will see how.   


This is a deep-seeded program of change that comes from within. You will turn up in the world as the parent you want to be.  It requires commitment and support to change.  If you commit,  I will provide the support.  That’s why people see these results. They make the choice to want more for themselves and their children, and they show up to make these changes.  

“Since completing BreakFree Parenting THE WHOLE VIBE at our house has changed. This work actually works!! – and it was simple.”

This is not a program with tips and tricks to ‘overcome’ parenting.  No more Trying, Stressing, Things to Remember, Tools to Practice, Methods to Preach. This work is different, because it’s Simple, and you will see how.   


This is a deep-seeded program of change that comes from within. You will turn up in the world as the parent you want to be.  It requires commitment and support to change.  If you commit,  I will provide the support.  That’s why people see these results. They make the choice to want more for themselves and their children, and they show up to make these changes.  

“Since completing BreakFree Parenting THE WHOLE VIBE at our house has changed. This work actually works!! – and it was simple.”

AIM (Aspect Illumination Method) or Parts Work is a golden thread woven throughout the program. It’s golden because it’s the key to Purposeful Parenting.   I see, hear, validate and acknowledge all parts/egos within our psyche, particularly in parenting.  The part of us that adores our child and the part that can’t wait until our child is in bed asleep at night!


We all have these parts in us. It doesn’t make us bad parents. It makes us real, honest and authentic.  A child needs a role model of authenticity, so they can develop healthy relationships with themselves and others. 

AIM (Aspect Illumination Method) or Parts Work is a golden thread woven throughout the program. It’s golden because it’s the key to Purposeful Parenting.   I see, hear, validate and acknowledge all parts/egos within our psyche, particularly in parenting.  The part of us that adores our child and the part that can’t wait until our child is in bed asleep at night!


We all have these parts in us. It doesn’t make us bad parents. It makes us real, honest and authentic.  A child needs a role model of authenticity, so they can develop healthy relationships with themselves and others. 


Join Me for Freedom Parenting

$998 AUD

Payment plans from $200/fortnight

  • Program Journey:

  • Week 1

    Parenting Alchemy

    Understand how to transform the pain and struggles of your parenting journey to become the parent you want to be.

    Week 2

    Re-defining Parenthood

    Gain clarity on how you want to parent by switching on your inner guidance.  

    Week 3

    The Power of No

    This is a life-changing week for many parents.  Build security and safety for you and your children.  

    Week 4

    Triggers, Trauma & the Blame Cycle

    Learn about how your nervous system functions and release the baggage of the past.  

    Week 5

    Embodied Parenting

    Explore how to parent in your natural way.  

    Week 6 


    Build the safety nets around your family and life. 

    Week 7 


    Identify your and your children’s needs, and how to have them met.  

    Week 8 


    Welcome Home to the Parent you truly are.

  • Here is What You'll Get:

  • • 8 weekly live group coaching Sessions via Zoom


    • Sessions are 1.5 hrs with education, sharing and Q&A 


    • Connection with like-minded people


    • Strictly limited places of 10 people to ensure intimate gathering, growth and transformation  


    • Workbook with templates, education, exercises. 

 Total Cost $998


And if you’re really over it…

BreakFree Parenting and Coaching Package

$1988 AUD

Payment plans from $397 a fortnight through AfterPay

Immerse, fully embrace change, integrate, process learnings and release blocks – on the physical, mental and soul level.




All inclusions of the BreakFree Parenting Program
8 weeks of weekly one-on-one 1hr sessions of facilitation/coaching throughout the program.  

Discount Code: NEWWAY

SAVE $400



For those that want to enhance their Parenting Course Journey.    


Online or Face to Face Facilitation using AIM (Aspect Illumination Method). Methodology from Pia Lindgren, synthesises potent knowledge from Psychology, Voice Dialogue, Eastern Wisdom, Neuroscience and Biology.


Using this method:


• You will understand which Aspects (Ego) of your personality are running your life and parenting unconsciously. When these aspects/ego are made conscious, Illuminated, they no longer make choices for you – this may have been experienced as self-sabotage in the past.  


• With this awareness, you will be able to make a conscious choice of what you want your life to look like in alignment with what really matters, your True Values. Parenting in the way you want to.


• You will learn How to navigate yourself towards that vision. Creating the relationships and home you love.  


The beauty is, you don’t have to think, know or try. Just turn up with Curiosity.  

“I loved everything! The one-on-one sessions accompanying the program were absolute gold for me. I’m blown away by how quickly it changed me, and my relationships with my kids in such a short time. This work is a miracle.” – Mum of 3


Discount Code: NEWWAY

SAVE $400

This is different to any other parenting program because it is an embodied way of life! You don’t have to remember any tools, tips or tricks. You are taken on a journey from the inside out, while most programs treat the outside (the symptoms of your parenting ie. yelling).


This program goes to the primary cause by honing in on creating the ‘internal’ changes within your mind, body and soul, which is the gateway to your freedom to be the parent you truly wish to be.  


The priority is how you are showing up in life right now. Embodied Living: Freedom Parenting frees you from the binds of the comparisons, the critics and the shoulds / musts / have tos. You no longer compromise yourself, or your relationship with your children.  


It sounds like dramatic change, and it is. But the changes happen at a pace perfect for you, unfolding effortlessly bit by bit until you are Free.  


Why work with me?  


I’m practical, real, compassionate, and here to support you through this transformation.  


I have crawled through the tunnel of parental suffering. I understand the pain and challenges firsthand, parenting as a married couple and then transitioning to co-parenting and single parenting.  


My children are my firsthand teachers, but I have also had the privilege of training extensively. I understand human behaviour, the mind-body connection and how to get you from where you are to where you want to be, without relying on me. 

Below is a small selection of some of my studies. 


  • B.App Exercise Sport Science (Major Exercise Sports Science)
  • Polyvagal Theory & Techniques
  • Somatic Attachment
  • Diploma Remedial Massage
  • Ayurvedic Therapies
  • Emotional Clearing Technique
  • Raindrop Technique
02 circle big-01


  • Mind-Body Connection
  • Childhood Trauma Release
  • Psycho-Somatic Therapies
  • Polarised Perceptions
  • Relationships & You
  • Conscious Parenting
  • Power to Parent I: The Vital Connection
  • The Natural Roots of Empathy Seminar
03 circle big-01


  • Voice Dialogue & AIM Process
  • Parenting 101
  • Heart to Heart Parenting
  • The Awakened Heart & Meditation
  • Alchemy
  • The Process of Anger
  • Bingeing Cycle & Patterns


  • B.App Exercise Sport Science (Major Exercise Sports Science)
  • Polyvagal Theory & Techniques
  • Somatic Attachment
  • Diploma Remedial Massage
  • Ayurvedic Therapies
  • Emotional Clearing Technique
  • Raindrop Technique
02 circle big-01


  • Mind-Body Connection
  • Childhood Trauma Release
  • Psycho-Somatic Therapies
  • Polarised Perceptions
  • Relationships & You
  • Conscious Parenting
  • Power to Parent I: The Vital Connection
  • The Natural Roots of Empathy Seminar
03 circle big-01


  • Voice Dialogue & AIM Process
  • Parenting 101
  • Heart to Heart Parenting
  • The Awakened Heart & Meditation
  • Alchemy
  • The Process of Anger
  • Bingeing Cycle & Patterns

Education has been the foundation of my process to BreakFree. Save yourself a whole lot of time, money and indecision and join me for a direct pathway to Calm, Confident and Connected parenting. 

“Cinta’s sessions revolutionised my life.”





“Cinta’s sessions revolutionised my life.”





Discount Code: NEWWAY

SAVE $400

No more Trying, Stressing, things to Remember, Tools to practice, Methods to preach. This work is different, because it’s Simple, and you will see how.   


I had my loungeroom floor moment 5 years ago. With my two children, playing around me…one literally crawling over me.


I couldn’t get up and I didn’t want to.


I felt helpless, despair and so very, very guilty and ALONE.  


I was over it.


I was over the Illusion of parenting… and the fake life I was trying to live. The playdates, the birthdays, the groups, the activities, the work, the cleaning. As far as I was concerned deep down, it sucked and it felt like a burden.  




I loved my children but the parenting gig, I did not love.  Something had to change and it did 


I eventually got off that lounge room floor through the assistance of Conscious Living Expert Pia Lindgren’s work (more on that another time), a huge amount of research, study with the leading child psychologists in the world, Eastern wisdom philosophy and many mis-takes. This culmination of my journey, accidentally gave way to a pathway and course here for you to more simply, defined and easily BreakFree to.  

Little did I know that Parenting was my Gateway to Freedom.

The very thing I thought had Trapped me.

Life is funny like that.


When does the course start?

This Course is open three times per year according to the NSW school term.

I have a group of friends that are all interested, can we have a private group?

Great! It’s wonderful to be surrounded by like-minded, supportive people when you are working through changes in your life. Please message me with confirmed numbers (no more than eight, no less than six), your location and face to face or zoom preference.  

Will the course content help me with children of all ages?

This course is for any parent.

You can apply the knowledge and skills learnt in the program for children of any age. However, the teaching examples I have used are based on children from 15 months – 12-year-olds.

It’s simply learning to connect, set boundaries and communicate, which are key to any relationship.

Do I need to bring anything?

Your favourite cup of tea and pen.

Is it Online?

Yes, it’s held online via Zoom.  

What format do the courses take?

The curriculum for each course is designed by me. Each class includes extensive content, some with a class workbook. A formula of education, group sharing and Q&A.  

What if I miss a session?

I encourage you to take the time to commit to the sessions. So much learning happens when you share with others. If for some reason you can’t make a session, you will be emailed an audio recording.

How do I contact you for support?

To contact support please email connectwithcinta@gmail.com

When does the course start?

This Course is open three times per year according to the NSW school term.

I have a group of friends that are all interested, can we have a private group?

Great! It’s wonderful to be surrounded by like-minded, supportive people when you are working through changes in your life. Please message me with confirmed numbers (no more than eight, no less than six), your location and face to face or zoom preference.  

Will the course content help me with children of all ages?

This course is for any parent.

You can apply the knowledge and skills learnt in the program for children of any age. However, the teaching examples I have used are based on children from 15 months – 12-year-olds.

It’s simply learning to connect, set boundaries and communicate, which are key to any relationship.

Do I need to bring anything?

Your favourite cup of tea and pen.

Is it Online?

Yes, it’s held online via Zoom.  

What format do the courses take?

The curriculum for each course is designed by me. Each class includes extensive content, some with a class workbook. A formula of education, group sharing and Q&A.  

What if I miss a session?

I encourage you to take the time to commit to the sessions. So much learning happens when you share with others. If for some reason you can’t make a session, you will be emailed an audio recording.

How do I contact you for support?

To contact support please email connectwithcinta@gmail.com

Welcome to the Parenting Patch


A community for like-minded parents doing the work to support, share and grow.


Details coming soon. 




Sign up here →

    Welcome to the Parenting Patch


    A community for like-minded parents doing the work to support, share and grow.


    Details coming soon. 




    Sign up here ↓